MOSO CAPS Application
What CAPS school do you currently attend?
Please select...
Carl Junction
College Heights
Webb City
Other CAPS Program
What high school are you currently attending? (School Name, City, and State)
What term will you
taking courses with MOSO CAPS?
What year will you
Please select...
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Legal Gender
Gender Identity
Please select...
Prefer Not to Disclose
Date of Birth
Student Phone Number
Student Email Address
Please provide a personal, non-school issued email address.
Primary Parent/Guardian First Name
Primary Parent/Guardian Last Name
Primary Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Primary Parent/Guardian Email Address
Current Grade Level
MOSO CAPS Strand Choice #1
Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship
Health Sciences
Human Services
MOSO Caps Strand Choice #2
Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship
Health Sciences
Human Services
Session Preference (AM/PM)
8:00 to 10:30 AM
Noon to 2:30 PM
No Preference
If you selected the Health Sciences Strand or are placed in a non-clinical area in a hospital setting in Business or Human Services, there are a few things you should know. You will be required to: Provide proof of immunizations and a TB test, and may be asked to obtain additional vaccines above the requirements for public school (including a FLU and COVID vaccine), complete the Missouri Family Care Registry ($14.25 fee), submit to a drug screen, and complete a background check. No religious or medical exemptions will be accepted by healthcare partners.
I understand the additional requirements
Explain why you want to experience MOSO CAPS?
What activities, experiences, or previous learning stimulated your interest in MOSO CAPS? Please be specific and include information on any courses you have taken that may assist your work in MOSO CAPS.
What ideas or plans do you have for your future career? Please note that your answer will help us place you in specific industry partner settings.
Please provide a personal statement on what you hope to gain from MOSO CAPS and what you have to offer the program.
I am applying for the MOSO CAPS program. I have discussed the program with my parents/guardians and they have given permission for me to be considered for this program. I understand that I will comply with the business ethics as outlined in the MOSO CAPS Student Handbook.
Yes, I agree with this statement.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
I will adhere to the MOSO CAPS standards for exceptional daily attendance (95% or better) and daily dress code(business casual).
Yes, I agree with this statement.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
I understand that my business partners and high school team members depend on my commitment to the MOSO CAPS program; therefore, I commit to the program for a year. If I plan to graduate at semester, I must gain prior approval from my counselor and the MOSO CAPS director.
Yes, I agree with this statement.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
I agree that I am able to provide my own transportation to MOSO CAPS, as well as business partner locations, via my own car or parent/guardian.
Yes, I agree with this statement.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
My high school grade-point-average is a 2.5 or higher and I will complete the course requirements in order to maintain or improve my GPA.
Yes, I agree with this statement.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
I understand that I will be working with business leaders in real professional settings. As such, I will be on-boarded through my host company's Human Resources team. REQUIREMENTS MAY DICTATE A DRUG SCREEN PRIOR TO THE START OF SCHOOL. I understand that this may be a requirement to participate in MOSO CAPS and I will be willing to submit to a drug screening.
Yes, I agree with this statement.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
If you selected the Health Sciences course/strand as a preference, there are a few things you should know. You will be required to: Provide proof of immunizations and a TB Test. You may be asked to obtain additional vaccinations above the requirements for public school (including a flu vaccine), complete the Missouri Family Care Registry($14.25 fee), submit to a drug screen, and complete a background check. No religious or medical exceptions will be accepted by healthcare partners.
Yes, I agree with this statement.
No, I do not agree with this statement.
Which CAPS course are you enrolling in? (hold CTRL to select more than one)
Please select...
General Psychology (3CR)
Medical Terminology (3CR)
What size t-shirt do you wear?
Please select...
Contact Information